Hey, Americans, Donald Trump is your President. YOUR president. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t elect him, he is still your President. At least that’s what I tell my American family. For myself, I am only a green card holder. I am an observer of the unfolding tragedy and farce, not part of the great American collective. That collective chose Donald Trump as its leader in 2016. It doesn’t matter that Hillary won more votes than him. From a Rousseauian perspective, his election was the general will of the American people. And from Trump’s perspective, anyone who opposes him is an enemy of the people, along with the Lügenpresse and its fake news. From a medieval perspective, Trump is the State, Trump is America. This means that if we want to understand America, we need to look at the horoscope of its leader:

Now an important technique in astrology is the lunar return. This means that you set up a horoscope for the moment the Moon returns to the place it was at birth. There are different ways of calculating this chart, but I prefer to use a tropical chart, based on the place of birth. According to the theory of lunar returns, the chart will describe the following month, until the next return.
Trump’s Moon is at 21 degrees 12 minutes Sagittarius. The Moon returned to that exact place on February 17 2020, at 1.20 pm, New York time. The chart is set for Trump’s birth place, Jamaica, NY. This is what it looks like:

This lunar return covers the period from Febuary 17 2020 through to March 15 2020. So at the time of writing it has got just under a week to run. The Moon is in the Sixth House of health, square Neptune, the planet of deception, poison and disease. Furthermore, Neptune is at the top of the chart, exactly conjunct the Midheaven. This describes America’s confusion, when confronted by an unseen enemy, in the form of coronavirus.
There is also the issue of Mercury being also conjunct both the Midheaven. The conjunction is in Pisces, a sign where Mercury is weak. Mercury is the planet of communication, and we have the symbolism of a leader who is finding it difficult to communicate, with his statements sounding out of touch with reality.
What’s really interesting about the lunar return is that it was triggered by the Full Moon on March 9. This Full Moon was at 19 degrees 37 minutes Virgo, right on the IC of the return chart. The whole Neptune experience blasts – or should I say seeps – into the limelight. I think the rest of the week, until Sunday March 15, is going to be difficult for America and its President.