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Horoscopes for the week starting Monday February 10 2020

WinterThe weekend Full Moon hangs heavy.  People are becoming aware of their weaknesses, and brave talk from the past is starting to look futile.  However, it is important that we don’t feel singled out, because everyone is in the same boat.

We also need to be aware that at the beginning of the week there is a conjunction between Venus and Chiron, in the first degrees of Aries.  Chiron is a minor planet connected with healing, and all of us can be helpful.  And in many cases we can be a healing presence.  It is then possible that our experience of physical and mental disease can be useful to the world around us.  But if someone really is sick, they need to see a doctor.

From Wednesday through to Friday, approximately, the Moon moves through the via combusta, the flaming path.  It’s all about the law of unintended consequences.  What you expect to happen doesn’t happen, for better or for worse.

And here are my sun sign forecasts for the 12 signs, for the week starting on Monday February 10 2020:

Aries Open your eyes!  In your rush to move forward with your ambitious you might miss an important detail.  Someone is reaching out a hand, and you shouldn’t necessarily reject it.  Yet some changes to your friendships may be required, for the sake of your creative genius.

Taurus Venus, your ruler, makes a conjunction to Chiron.  You can make people feel better, without making a song and dance about it.  Maybe prayer and meditation is all it takes.  In terms of your family and career, you might have to make a choice.

Gemini There are many ways of communicating, and it’s not just about words.  Small, silent gestures can light up the sky – but that’s something difficult for a Gemini to realize.  Yet at the end of the week it’s action that matters – because you’ll be showing the people who matter that you’re serious.

Cancer Many Cancerians are having second thoughts about their financial situation.  Things are changing, slowly, slowly, and action now could save you a lot of trouble later in the year.  In your career a healing touch can go a long way.

Leo Things aren’t the same, and I don’t mean that in a positive or a negative way.  You can see the reality of the situation, and in terms of relationships you know what makes people tick.  Someone from faraway is quite capable of making a bad decision.

Virgo You’re strongest on your own, at least this week you are.  When another person is calling the shots you’re at sea.  In general it is a time for taking notes rather than acting.  When the dust settles you can make the right decsion.

Libra People don’t change.  If someone has treated you badly in the past they’ll treat you badly in the future.  And this week you shouldn’t listen to another person’s kind words – unless you know their character very well.  Where there’s money there’s confusion.

Scorpio You’re still thinking things through.  A  choice does have to be made, but you’ve still got time.  In terms of work, your position isn’t as strong as it should be.  But everything’s in a state of flux, and weakness moves to strength through gradual change.

Sagittarius Mars continues to move through your star sign.  All of the twelve signs have their problems, at least this week they do, but Sagittarians aren’t too badly affected.  When the competition  is on poor form, even half-hearted efforts can be successful.

Capricorn The more important something is, the more private it should be. And in terms of your career, it is best that you keep a low profie – and if you can stay at home, so much the better.  A couple of financial truths become obvious – profit from the situation rather than shout about it.

Aquarius The Aquarius month roles on, and you have a growing sense that you are the right person in the right place.  However you’re not an island.  You have to take other people with you, and that means that you have to persuade them that you know what you are doing.

Pisces It’s all about distraction – getting people to look in one place, but not in the right place.  Because you need to be the one who gets there first.  After all, it’s a competitive world.  However not everyone is a competitor, and one or two people can be trusted.

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