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Calling time on Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon 2016Nicola Sturgeon is First Minister of Scotland.  At the moment she is flying high.  She is a supporter of Scottish independence, and Britain’s Brexit vote has given her the perfect opportunity to call a second referendum – the first one, in 2014, failed.  Logically this means she is in a powerful position, and should be in the public eye for years to come.  Unfortunately her luck is soon going to run out, and sometime over the next few years it would be advisable for her to resign.

So what’s the problem?

It’s all about Vedic astrology.  Using Vedic astrology, life can be divided into nine distinct phases, which together add up to 120 years.  The quality of each phase can be defined by its ruling planet.  And when one phase ends, and new one starts, there can be big changes.  We can illustrate this with the horoscopes of Margaret Thatcher and Gordon Brown.

Margaret Thatcher entered her a planetary period ruled by the Rahu (the North Node of the Moon) on September 23 1972.  At the time she was Secretary of State for Education in the cabinet of Edward Heath.  The Rahu phase lasted for 18 years, until September 23 1990.  This period represents Thatcher’s ascent to power.  In 1974 Heath lost two General Elections, in 1975 Thatcher became Leader of the Opposition, and in 1979 Prime Minister.  However on September 23 1990 her luck left her.  There was growing criticism of her leadership, and on November 28 1990 she ceased to be Prime Minister.

In Thatcher’s Vedic Chart, Rahu is strongly placed in the 10th House.  It represent the principle of ambitions, and it wants to get to the top, regardless of the cost.  Yet on September 23 she moved to the Jupiter phase of her chart.  Her Jupiter was the weakest planet in her chart, in the 3rd House, where it performs poorly.  Thatcher lost her power, she lost her job.

Turning to Gordon, another British Prime Minister, and on April 8 1997 he entered a period ruled by the Moon, which lasted until April 8 2007.  In May 1997 his Labour Party won the General Election, and he became Chancellor the Exchequer, the second most powerful person in government.  The economy was benign, and it seemed that he had the magic touch.  Not surprisingly, his Moon is well placed in his Vedic chart, in Cancer in the Fifth House.  On April 8 2007 the Moon period ended, and the Mars period started.  Mars is one of the weakest planets in Gordon Brown’s chart, and is unfortunately placed in the 12th House.  Despite this, Gordon Brown became Prime Minister in June 2007.  It was because he had been chosen as Tony Blair’s anointed successor years earlier, and the fact that Gordon Brown’s luck had changed never came into it.  So Britain got itself an unlucky Prime Minister, and sure enough, Gordon Brown’s three years in office was a disaster, and the moment he stood for re-election he was defeated.

In the case of Nicola Sturgeon, who currently seems unstoppable, we have a woman who is enjoying her good fortune, thanks to the Jupiter phase that she is currently experiencing.  It started on September 14 2002, and continues until September 14 2018.  Jupiter is the second strongest planet in her Vedic chart, in Libra in the First House.  Within two years she was deputy leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, and from then on, there was no stopping her.  And presumably the expectation is that she’ll eventually be Prime Minister of an independent Scotland.

I don’t know how long it will take for Scotland to become independent.  There has to be another referendum.  There also needs to be some guarantee the Scotland will be allowed into the European Union.  However the clock is ticking away.  On September 14 2018 Nicola Sturgeon enters the nineteen year Saturn period, and her Saturn is dreadfully placed, in Aries in the Seventh House.  Aries is the sign of Saturn’s fall, and it is prominently placed in the Seventh House.  Her luck will desert her, and her ability to handle other people, and to negotiate successfully, will be substantially degraded.

This means that if the Scottish Nationalist Party are serious about getting independence, they need to get rid of their leader, as soon as possible.  The country’s aspirations share in her luck, in the same way that Gordon Brown’s dreadful luck became part of the British destiny when he became Prime Minister in 2007.  Of course none of this will be apparent, and Nicola Sturgeon will continue to lead Scotland.  However Scotland will not successfully transition to independence under her leadership, and because she is unlikely to leave office prior to the autumn of 2018, her political career will, in all probability, end in acrimony and disappointment.

Is there an alternative?  Scotland, with Nicola Sturgeon, at its helm, has a narrow window of opportunity to gain its independence.  Any referendum has to happen quick, preferably this year.  And the subsequent split from the rest of the UK, and accession to the EU, has to be out of the way by the summer of 2018.  Furthermore, if Scotland is run by Sturgeon after September 2018, it’ll be a disaster area, whether the country’s independent or not.

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